Thank You Jesus!

November 22-28, 2020 – Milton Dalida
Thank – The holidays can be a joyous occasion. It’s wonderful to share those times with family and friends. It’s great to give and receive gifts. How glorious it is to be able to worship freely where we are. But, the holidays can also be lonely and difficult for many. In some places it’s taboo to be a Christian, or let alone hold a worship service. I’m thankful for family, friends, and the opportunity to worship Jesus. (Psalm 9:1-2) I’m sad that there’s death, sickness, and sin in this world. But, I’m thankful for the gift of salvation and that all the sorrow will soon be gone when Jesus comes. (Revelation 21:4)
You – Often times when it comes to being thankful, we’re really being selfish thinking about what’s great about “me” and “my” life. As a follower of Jesus “I” should really be thinking about “you”, my fellow brethren. Thinking and serving others as Jesus did is what love is all about. (Galatians 5:13-14) In a relationship no one should say, “I love me!”. If they do, then they’re not in a “relationship”. Instead, we should say, “I love you!”. “You” bring happiness, “you” are thoughtful and kind, “you” are worthy of Jesus’ love, and “you” are important in my life! If Jesus served others, you should do the same.
Jesus – What future would humanity have without the love that Jesus has for us? None. Thankfully, God sent His only Son, Jesus, so that we may be saved through Him. (John 3:16-17) Out of the abundance of Jesus’ love for us, He was willing to take the fall for humanity, for you, and for me! There’s a catch. In order to accept and understand the meaning behind the gift that was given to you, you must first acknowledge the existence of the giver. The gift of salvation becomes a reality only in the eyes of the beholder who believes in the existence of Jesus, that He’s our Creator, our Savior, and our Advocate in heaven.
The best time to serve and live for Jesus is now, from this moment on. If you love Jesus, then keep His commandments. (John 14:15-21) So, for this Thanksgiving holiday, reflect on the past, present, future, the good, the bad, the happiness and sadness, the lost, the fallen, and our loved ones. And, with all your breath, shout out the words, “THANK YOU JESUS!”