Our Father

January 10-16, 2021 – Joe Castillo
In Matthew chapter six we find the Lord’s Prayer. In verse 9 Jesus says to Acknowledge God as our Heavenly Father. Jesus’ prayer teaches us that God wants us to connect with Him as one. To worship Him because He’s the Creator. To hallow His Name, because He is the God of heaven and earth.
We lost our connection with the Father because of sin. Jesus tells us that we are to call God our Heavenly Father. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him that is based on love. It’s love that reconnects heaven and earth.
The next verse in Matthew, verse 10, tells us His will is about saving us and it’s salvation which bonds us with the Father again. The Father put out His hand and gave us His only son Jesus (John 3:16). The Father gave it all. What more could He have done? He gave Jesus to die for us so that He could take us back through the sacrifice of His Son. The Father gave His Son so that we may bond with Him again. Does Jesus say “My Father” in His prayer? No! No! He says, “Our Father!” The invitation is for all. For all of us to call Him our Father. He’s our Heavenly Father and that makes Jesus our big brother. That means we are brothers and sisters in God’s family. We are one with Jesus, one with the Father, one with each other. We are family and we love one another as God has loved us. We can go to God the Father through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Psalms 116:1-2 says “I love the Lord, because He has heard My voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.” God will hear you!